Christian Nathaniel

Intuitive | Intuitive Coach | Spiritual Healer

Experience freedom from limiting beliefs, heal the wounds of your past, and become the person you believe you can never be.

Guidance | Clarity | Direction

Personalized Intuitive Readings

Ready to take the next step toward a life of purpose and fulfillment? Let’s schedule your free 15-minute consultation so we can schedule your personalized intuitive reading today. Start your journey to transformation with the clarity and direction you deserve.

Intuitive Readings

  • 30_Minute_Intuitive_Reading_Christian_Nathaniel

    30-Minute Intuitive Reading – $120

    A 30-minute intuitive reading with me is ideal for gaining insights into the pressing questions in your life, whether you are seeking guidance about love, career, or contemplating significant life changes. Tailored to address two or three of your most essential concerns.

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    50-Minute Intuitive Reading – $170

    Need more time, and have more questions? 50-minute intuitive reading where we explore four to five vital questions about your love life, career, or significant changes. Done in a supportive and compassionate manner. I work with Spirit to guide your soul's growth at this life stage.


  • “Christian is one of the most warmhearted and grounded psychics I know. His quiet nature creates a space of calmness, And in fact, he is listening to Spirit simultaneously. In sessions, it is as if Spirit descends on him, and he just speaks, which is so healing to witness.”

    — Nikenya H.

  • “Christian has a very—calm, soothing & inviting energy and personality. His messages were “Spot On” with situations I’m experiencing or questioning right now in my life. It was a wonderful experience. Thank You!! “

    — Betty R.

  • “Christian accurately understood my career issues and even mentioned about moving to a new city, a topic I had just discussed with my husband the night before. He immediately made me feel comfortable sharing insights that felt like he had read my diary. The experience was truly healing and insightful.”

    — Janet M.

"Transforming into your ideal self takes patience and resilience. Though daunting, remember, the journey begins with a single step."

Hello, Welcome!

Discover Your True Self with Christian Nathaniel

A Journey of Profound Self-Discover

I’m Christian Nathaniel—a Intuitive, Coach, and Spiritual Healer—dedicated to helping you uncover your true self and break through the barriers of limiting beliefs.

My journey has been one of profound self-discovery, shaped by struggles with identity, faith, and health.

From an early age, I felt different—never quite fitting in, especially within the confines of a religious upbringing that challenged my sense of self. As a teenager, I became deeply involved in the Pentecostal and Word of Faith movement, which strengthened my connection with God and Spirit. However, it also intensified the internal battle I faced regarding my sexuality.

The Struggle Between Faith and Identity

For years, I struggled to reconcile my faith with my identity as a gay man, believing that my true self was something to be rejected. This internal conflict led to feelings of shame and guilt, causing deep spiritual turmoil.

In 1995, I was diagnosed with HIV, which further compounded the shame and stigma I was already experiencing.

At times, I questioned my faith—wondering if having HIV was a form of punishment, having been taught that "the wages of sin is death."

A Turning Point—Finding Love, Grace, and Acceptance

In 2001, I spent six weeks in the hospital, much of it in the intensive care unit, close to death. During those quiet nights, I remember hearing Spirit say, "I've got you." At the time, I believed those words were meant to comfort me in the midst of my pain. However, looking back, I now realize they were an invitation to examine my beliefs and embark on a new path—one that I continue to follow today.

I came to understand that my connection with God is not about judgment, but about love, grace, and acceptance.

Embracing My True Self and My Calling

This journey—from the depths of despair to a place of healing and spiritual evolution—has profoundly shaped who I am. As a Certified Professional Coach and Certified Intuitive Practitioner, I have embraced my authentic self and calling to help others navigate their own paths to healing and transformation.

My mission is to provide a safe, compassionate space where you can connect with Spirit, unlock your potential, and step into your authentic self.

Whether you are struggling with your identity, seeking intuitive guidance, or looking to overcome the limiting beliefs that hold you back, I am here to walk alongside you on your journey.

Together, we can transform your challenges into opportunities for growth and healing.

Your story of transformation is waiting to unfold, and I am committed to helping you manifest the life you were always meant to live.

Intuitive Coaching

  • 30_Minute_Coaching_Christian_Nathaniel

    30-Minute Coaching Session – $120

    In our 30-minute coaching session, we'll dive right into understanding your challenges and needs. It's like a friendly, empowering chat where I'll offer practical advice and strategies tailored just for you. This session is quick, leaving you feeling clear about your next steps!

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    50-Minute Coaching Session – $170

    Join me for a 50-minute intuitive coaching session where I'll help you connect with your inner wisdom, guiding you with empathy and insight to unlock your true potential. Let's transform your challenges into stepping stones for personal growth and clarity.

Unlock Your Future

Ready to live a life that genuinely feels authentic and purposeful? Together, we’ll navigate your unique challenges and tap into your true potential. Your journey to a more fulfilling life starts with a straightforward step, and I’m here to walk it with you.

The power to become and shape your future lies within you, starting with a single, decisive step forward.

Live With Authenticity

Discover and Honor Your Authentic Self: Break free from societal chains and the fear of being judged. Intuitive readings and intuitive coaching sessions designed to uncover and amplify your authentic self. Dare to live boldly, embracing every aspect of who you are without reservation.

Limiting Beliefs

Overcome Your Inner Barriers: Dive deep to identify and dismantle the beliefs holding you back. In our intuitive coaching sessions, we will clear hidden obstacles, paving the way for a future filled with unlimited possibilities and success.

Find Your Purpose

Discover Your True Purpose:  Our life purpose clarity sessions will give you profound insights into your unique path. If you’re searching for direction, let us guide you toward fulfilling your destiny confidently and clearly.

Cultivate Self-Worth

Build Unshakeable Self-Love:  Our empowering strategies can help you build unshakeable self-love. Rediscover your inherent value, learn to love yourself unconditionally, and step into your power with pride and confidence. Begin your journey to self-love and realize your true worth.

Manifest Your Desires

Realize Your Dreams:  Break through the barriers in your manifestation journey. Our specialized coaching aligns your energy with the Universe, enhancing your ability to attract your desires. Start manifesting your goals and live the life you’ve always wanted.

Enhance Your Connections

Deepen Your Relationships:  Navigate the complexities of relationships with ease. Our intuitive coaching equips you with the tools for profound and lasting connections, whether seeking new love, healing from past wounds, or strengthening existing bonds.

Live Beyond Stigma

Embrace Life with Strength:  Face HIV with dignity, positivity, and strength. Our empathetic coaching provides support, strategies for managing stigma, and guidance on leading a fulfilling life. Discover how to live happily and healthily, regardless of your status.

Deepen Your Spiritual Journey

Connect With the Divine:  Elevate your spiritual practice and deepen your connection with the divine. Our guidance unlocks your intuitive abilities, enhancing your spiritual journey and bringing you closer to profound peace and wisdom. Embark on a path of spiritual discovery and enrichment.


Your Journey Starts with a Complimentary 15-minute Consultation.

I know the journey to clarity and growth can be daunting. That’s why I offer a free 15-minute consultation for intuitive readings or transformational coaching. It’s a supportive step toward greater confidence and clarity on your path.